Give users a way to monitor all of their posts
Coffee Slug
Jun 1, 2023

I often get people writing in to complain that their post has been deleted when, in fact, it's been merged in with another post.

Perhaps there could be a place that users could see everything they've submitted, and its status, even once merged.

(Or they'd get some form of notification about any merges?)

Jun 19, 2023

Good input - I think a notification might be the "leanest" way to support this in the product. Do you think you'd like to add a comment when you are merging that should go as part of the notification?

Coffee Slug
Jun 19, 2023

Glenn Stiemens No, I don't think so, as I haven't been adding comments most times when merging the posts. Sometimes, mainly because of this issue, I'll leave a comment saying I'm merging it into another post, but it feels like extra work! So I think an automated notification would work fine, and if I wanted to say something I can comment on the post and set it up to notify all voters!